The development process behind the snus packaging machine
The development process behind the snus packaging machine

Left is an original (or "regular") portion. Right is a "white portion". White portions can be any color, as the name refers to the style, not the color.
Many types of snus are available:
Loose snus is a moist powder which can be portioned and packed into a cylindrical or spherical shape with the fingertips or a purpose-made cylindrical device. The end result is often referred to as a pris (pinch), buga, prilla, or prell (slang). Some users (usually long-time users) simply pinch the tobacco and place it under their upper lip (farmer's pinch or living snus). Over time, the demand for loose snus has been replaced by portioned varieties. Many users of snus today prefer the discrete nature of the latter variety.
Samples of our machine packaging
FOSHAN DESSION PACKAGING MACHINERY Co.,LTD is a leader in the development and production of snuff packaging machines.